Making Your Line Last

We are proud of the durability and shelf life of our lines. That being said, they do not last forever but with some simple best practices and precautions you can extend your line life and performance further.


Avoid unnecessary sun exposure

Just store them out of the sun. This is likely good advise for your reel and backing too. UV light really does a number on almost anything lines included.

Store them someone where temperature stable.

Leaving lines in a hot car for extended periods of time when not being used does not do them any favors. When not being used, bring them in doors. Being in a hot car does not do them any favors.

Keep them Clean

Dirt multiple has effects on a line.

 It acts as an abrasive both on the coating of the line and your rods guides

It can affect lines density making them not float or sink as well. A line not floating well is most offen from dirt dragging it down and breaking surface tension. Lines float because the are less dense then water. When dirt start to collect it changes the density. This is most often first noticed on the tip section what is thinner and the section most prone to collect dirt.

It also effects line speed by increasing friction going through the guides. This is more noticed when double hauling or shooting line.

Cleaning them can be as simple as running them a line through chamois with some fly line dressing or using soap and water to clean the line, then dry with a chamois.

 Careful What You Coat Them With

Modern lines do not need to be coated with floatant. The lines are naturally buoyant because the a less dense then water. Floatant tends to capture dirt particles and often have the opposite results.

When it comes to dressing, using the wrong dressing can greatly damage a line. Lots of products have solvents that can degrade the fly line.

 Physical Damage

The quickest way to destroy a line is with physical damage. Standing on them, often in a boat, is a real common cause of damage. Studded boots are even worse and can clearly cut through a line. Pay attention to where you line is. In some places a stripping basket can be a big help keeping it out of your feet but also out of the dirt.

Casting a line in a driveway or parking lot is also quick way to ruin a line. It is like rubbing them with sandpaper.

Casting a line on a lawn is fine. It is best to clean it afterwards because they tend to collect dirt. Our lawn usage, and we spend a lot of time casting our lines, does not show any more wear then normal on the water use if kept clean.