Q&A with Crosby Beane

Crosby Beane was raised in New York, but moved to Colorado after graduating from college. Once there, he started Breckenridge Outfitters in Summit County, home of the world-class tailwater, the Blue River and within reach of some of the Centennial State’s best fisheries, including the Colorado, the Eagle, the Frying Pan and the Roaring Fork. After owning, outfitting, and guiding for 15 years, he left Colorado and took his family to the southern coast of Maine. Today, Crosby lives with his wife Leah, daughters Mariposa and Charlotte on the Saco River, where he’s switched from chasing trout to going after smallmouth bass in the river and stripers in the bays. He’s been an industry representative for 17 years, and has repped for Royal Wulff for 12 years, covering the northern U.S.
Why Royal Wulff fly lines?
- Simply the best tapers on the market!
What's your favorite Royal Wulff fly line and why?
- The Sea Wulff Monoclear Full Intermediate is the best line for sight fishing big striped bass in the shallow water flats.
What's your "daily driver" Royal Wulff fly line?
- Daily driver is hard to pinpoint because we have such diverse fishing opportunities, but if I had to give one answer it'd be Triangle Taper Signature Plus.
What's the best Royal Wulff line for freshwater fishing?
- Triangle Taper Signature Plus
What's the best Royal Wulff line for saltwater fishing?
- The Sea Wulff Monoclear Full Intermediate
Where do you do most of your fishing?
- The Saco River for smallmouth bass and Saco and Casco bays for striped bass
Where is your favorite place to go fishing?
- The Gaspe Peninsula
What's your favorite fish species to go after?
- Atlantic Salmon
What fish or fishing experience tops your bucket list?
- The Seychelles.
What do you love most about your job?
- The people! I love to help our retail partners improve their businesses.
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