Q&A with Tom Jindra, Southern Sales Representative
Tom Jindra is a self-described recovering newspaper journalist. He’s worked as a tackle representative since 2007. He specializes in fly fishing for redfish, but has traveled throughout North America and around the world. He’d fished from Alaska to Argentina, New Zealand to Germany and Italy to British Columbia. Today, he lives in New Orleans, La., and has repped for Royal Wulff for 15 years, where he covers the South.
Why Royal Wulff fly lines?
- The Royal Wulff triangle tapers are unique lines that solve multiple problems routinely faced on the water. They are presentation lines with the ability to deliver a fly with the utmost delicacy, while at the same time mimicking the distance characteristics of a shooting head. By virtue of the continuous front taper, Wulff lines allow anglers to "customize" the line to suit the individual angler's specific needs, unlike any other taper on the market.
What's your favorite Royal Wulff fly line and why?
- As a redfish specialist, I can't imagine a better line than the Bermuda Shorts. The compact head loads the rod quickly for those short shots so common on Louisiana's salt flats. And yet, the continuous front taper still allows for that delicate presentation so often missing with other saltwater lines.
What's your "daily driver" Royal Wulff fly line?
- The Bermuda Shorts.
What's the best Royal Wulff line for freshwater fishing?
- The Signatue Plus Textured Triangle Taper is hard to beat on the trout stream. It offers unparalleled delicacy. And the continuous front taper means heavy line is always turning over light line, which offers multiple advantages. As with all the Wulff lines, it is exceptional for mending line, and there is no better line for making a roll cast or any of the various Spey casts that trout anglers have adopted.
- And when you need a long cast, the triangle design provides superb loop stability, again because you always have heavy line turning over light line.
- The one disadvantage is that some anglers might find the small diameter tip too delicate to turn over easily for their particular fishing conditions, especially with large flies. The problem is easily solved with a bit of "customizing." Start by cutting off 12 inches of the tip, then cast the line to see if you get the turnover you want. If not, cut off a couple more inches and continue until you get the desired performance.
- Just be aware that the front loop cannot be replaced, but that's easily solved by nail-knotting a piece of monofilament with a perfection loop to the line or using any of the common spliced loop techniques.
What's the best Royal Wulff line for saltwater fishing?
- Any of the Bermuda series for tropical conditions, or the Sea Wulff series for cool climates.
Where do you do most of your fishing?
- Louisiana.
Where is your favorite place to go fishing?
- Louisiana.
What's your favorite fish species to go after?
- Redfish.
What fish or fishing experience tops your bucket list?
- Redfish and tarpon.
What do you love most about your job?
- The time I spend helping consumers and my dealers find the products they need.
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